
court day 開庭日,審判日;(朝廷中的)典禮日。

court dress

When ellen was dressing for a ball or for guests or even to go to jonesboro for court day , it frequently required two hours , two maids and mammy to turn her out to her own satisfaction ; but her swift toilets in times of emergency were amazing 當艾倫為參加舞會,會見客人甚至是去瓊斯博羅旁聽審判而著裝時,一般需要花上兩個小時,兩個女仆和媽咪來侍侯她使她滿意;但她在緊急情況發生時,梳妝的迅速又很令人吃驚。

Twelve court days on the rexroth case alone , 十二天用在雷克斯案件